
Let’s not pollute anymore! Winning Song of the Hipólito Pacifico at the Petronio Álvarez

Ensueños del Pacífico, a group from Chocoa in the Clarinet shawm category with their song No Contaminemos Más, is the winner of the Hipólito Pacífico, an award given by Ciudad Limpia this year to the unpublished song that promotes environmental care.

The jury of the Festival made up of Wilson Viveros, Cesar Córdoba, Nina Graeff, Héctor Sánchez and Luis Carabalí qualified the musical quality of Dejando Huellas, Puma Blanca, and Ensueños del Pacífico, the three selected groups, and finally chose the group from Chocó, which with a staging during their presentation made their message No Contaminemos Más (Let’s not pollute any more) very convincing.

The lyrics of the song, authored by Maestro Jorge Eliecer Terreros Cuesta, director of Ensueños del Pacífico, are a reflection on how nature is affected by inadequate practices such as dumping waste in rivers and other water sources, excessive logging, pollution and contamination, generating windstorms, forest fires and the greenhouse effect. It is a call to conscience because if we continue like this we will regret it!

This Sunday night during the Final of the Festival will be awarded the prize consisting of three million pesos ($3.000.000) = in cash, and a trophy that recognizes this song in aguabajo rhythm for promoting environmental care because Hipólito Pacífico is the result of the alliance between Corfecali, the Secretariat of Culture of Cali, and the cleaning company to encourage musicians who come from different parts of the Colombian Pacific as a strategy to raise awareness of the responsibility to care for the planet.

Hipólito Pacífico is the Environmental Award that this year will be given to those who with the unpublished music of the Petronio invites the planet to take care of, making the City Clean.

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