Two songs by Violines Caucanos and one by Chirimía de Clarinete have been selected by Ciudad Limpia, promoter of this award, for their lyrics promoting environmental care.
Some of the groups Dejando Huellas, Puma Blanca, and Ensueños del Pacífico with their songs Si no fuera por el Campo, Nos Están Matando el Río and No Contaminemos Más, will be awarded with three million pesos ($3.000.000) = in cash, after the Petronio Alvarez Festival jury defines which of them has the best musical quality.
The prize will be awarded on Sunday at the end of the contest and a whirlwind, a fugue or a aguabajo will be the song that will be played promoting the care of the environment because Cali during the Petronio is a Clean City.
Hipolito Pacifico arises from an alliance developed between Corfecali, the Secretary of Culture of Cali
The alliance between Corfecali, the Secretary of Culture of Cali, and the cleaning company to stimulate the musicians who come from different parts of the Colombian Pacific as a strategy to raise awareness of the responsibility to care for the planet, using the bins and reducing the amount of waste generated, as recorded in recent years at the festival.
Hipólito Pacífico is the Environmental Award that this year will be given to those who with the unpublished music of the Petronio invites the planet to take care of, making the City Clean.